Trump is NOT Mussolini

Mussolini could read.–tIaau9o4

Don’t get mad, get ready.
No hysterics. Know history:


  1. 1:30 bully as a child
  2. 1:45 sent off to boarding school
  3. 3:00 “looked on women not as companions…but as people who could contribute to his sense of…power and manhood”
  4. 3:05 dodged military draft, “an offense for which he would later have people shot when he became dictator” (Mussolini did eventually serve in WWI)
  5. 5:00 learned “…you can make people believe almost anything…
  6. “I would write articles about nonexistent things, and people would believe them. But more than that, people will forget them later, so you can actually contradict yourself.”
  7. 5:15 Media “gave Mussolini not only the power to make up stories, but the means to spread the biggest story…Mussolini.”
  8. 5:25  Was the “first person to understand how to use the media in the broadest sense of the word to control a population.”
  9. 5:55 crude personality
  10. 8:00 Switched from the leftist party in favor of the right, then turned on the left.
  11. 8:15 Created Fascist Party, organized black shirts, used torture techniques on opponents.
  12. 8:30 hailed as the Duce, or Boss.
  13. Called on Italy to overthrow its messy, democratic system and install a dictator.
  14. 8:50 His boast: he was the “one man alive who could bring back the glory days of the Roman Empire.”
  15. 9:25 vowed to overthrow the “miserable political class that governs us.”
  16. 10:50 “was a deeply insecure human being.”
  17. 11:40 threatened parliament one month after coming to power. Parliament relinquished many of its powers.
  18. 11:50 wanted complete control, “so when he began building his cabinet, he chose men he knew he could trust.”
  19. If given choice to appoint good man or a scoundrel, chose the scoundrel: “I can blackmail the scoundrel.”
  20. 12:20 “When his fascist ministers lined their own pockets, Mussolini looked the other way.”
  21. 12:30 50 members of parliament were attacked, 3 killed.
  22. 13:00 Most outspoken opponent was murdered.
  23. 13:40 abolished parties except Fascists
  24. 15:00 pretended to be Christian to win favor of the church
  25. 15:20 implemented vast, nation-wide infrastructure projects
  26. 16:10 “…Make America Great!”
  27. 16:30 Censorship: became “editor-in-chief” of the country
  28. Marked morning papers with things that were ’wrong’ and scolded the media heads.
  29. 17:10 foreign journalists were suppressed
  30. 17:50 Lived in Rome, separate from family
  31. 18:05 Daughter’s wedding at St. Peter’s cemented the Mussolinis aura as the new “royal family”
  32. Made his son-in-law Foreign Minister. (Mussolini later had him executed.)
  33. 18:30 truly believed he was going to recreate the ancient Roman Empire.
  34. 19:30 His rise to power inspired an up-and-coming German politician.
  35. 21:50 Invaded Ethiopia to bring back “glory of Rome.” Reduced pop of Ethiopia to subjugation, mass slaughters. Move was condemned by League of Nations. War damaged Italian economy.
  36. 24:50 Though not noticeably anti-Semitic prior, followed HItler’s lead and stripped Italian Jews of their civil liberties.
  37. 26:15 Allied with Germany
  38. 28:30 WWII: looked “like a schoolboy who has not done his homework.”
  39. 32:30 Coward
  40. 33:20 Allied invasion: Mussolini claimed he had a “secret weapon” which would surprise everyone. None materialized.
  41. 39:50 Became “A shell of his former robust and arrogant self.”
  42. 41:50 Mussolini had drawn the Italian people into a war they didn’t want, sending tens of thousands of soldiers off to their death.  Now the ravaged country was left to ponder all his hollow promises.”
  43. 43:50 “History will repeat itself…”
  44. 44:00 “There were some good things about Mussolini, but the bad far outweighed the good.”
January 8th, 2017 by